domingo, 9 de noviembre de 2008


1)ARNHEIM, Rudolf Film as art, EE.UU., University of California Press, 1º ed. 1957 
2)AUFDERHEIDE, Patricia  Documentary Film. A very short introduction, U.K., Oxford University Press, 2006.
3) BARNOUW, Erik Documentary a history of the non-fiction film, EE. UU., Oxford University Press, 1º ed. 1974 
4)BORDWELL, David The way Hollywood tells it, EE.UU., University of California Press, 2006.
5)BORDWELL-THOMPSON  Film History. An introduction, EE.UU., Mc Graw-Hill, 1994
6)CHANAN, Michael The politics of Documentary, UK, British Film Institute, 2007
7)DENNISON-SHAW Popular cinema in Brazil, UK, Manchester University, 2004
8) DÖNMEZ-COLIN, Gönül Turkish cinema. Identity, distance and blonging, UK, Reaktion Books.lted, 2008
9)GERTZ-KHLEIFI, Palestinian Cinema. Landscape, trauma, and memory, EE.UU., Indiana University Press, 2008
10) HILLIER, Jim  Cahiers du Cinema.The 1950s. Neo-Realism, Hollywood, New Wave, EE.UU., Harvard University Press
11)    Cahiers du Cinema. The 1960s. New Wave, New Cinema, Reevaluating    Hollywood
12)HOGAN, Patrick Understanding indian movies. Culture, cognition, and cinematic imagination, EE.UU., University of Texas Press, 2008
13)LU- YEH, Chinese-Language Film. Historiography, poetics, Politics, EE.UU., University of Haway Press, 2005
14)ROBB, Brian Silent Cinema, UK, SNP Lefun Printer, 2007
15)ROLLINS-O´CONNOR Why we fought. America´s wars in film and history, EE.UU., University Press of Kentucky, 2008
16)SAUNDERS, Dave Direct Cinema. Observational documentary and the Politics of the sixties, UK, Wallflower Press, 2007
17)STAM-BURGOYNE-FLITTERMAN-LEWIS New Vocabularies in film semiotic. Structuralism, post-structuralism and beyond, EE.UU-Canada, Ed. Routledge, 1992
18)STAM, Robert Reflexivity in film and literature. From don Quixote to Jean Luc Godard, EE.UU., Columbia University Press, 1992
19) TOBIAS, Michael THE SEARCH FOR "REALITY". The art of documentary filmmaking, EE.UU., Michael Wiese Productions, 1997
20) WITTERN-HABERSKI The Miracle Case. Film censorship and the Supreme Court, EE.UU., University Press of Kansas, 2008
21) CINEMA JOURNAL. The Journal of the society for Cinema and Media Studies, 47, Nº3, 2008


jueves, 5 de junio de 2008


1)ARNHEIM, Rudolf Film as art, EE.UU., University of California Press, 1º ed. 1957
2)AUFDERHEIDE, Patricia Documentary Film. A very short introduction, U.K., Oxford University Press, 2006.
3) BARNOUW, Erik Documentary a history of the non-fiction film, EE. UU., Oxford University Press, 1º ed. 1974
4)BORDWELL, David The way Hollywood tells it, EE.UU., University of California Press, 2006.
5)BORDWELL-THOMPSON Film History. An introduction, EE.UU., Mc Graw-Hill, 1994
6)CHANAN, Michael The politics of Documentary, UK, British Film Institute, 2007
7)DENNISON-SHAW Popular cinema in Brazil, UK, Manchester University, 2004
8) DÖNMEZ-COLIN, Gönül Turkish cinema. Identity, distance and blonging, UK, Reaktion Books.lted, 2008
9)GERTZ-KHLEIFI, Palestinian Cinema. Landscape, trauma, and memory, EE.UU., Indiana University Press, 2008
10) HILLIER, Jim Cahiers du Cinema.The 1950s. Neo-Realism, Hollywood, New Wave, EE.UU., Harvard University Press
11) Cahiers du Cinema. The 1960s. New Wave, New Cinema, Reevaluating Hollywood
12)HOGAN, Patrick Understanding indian movies. Culture, cognition, and cinematic imagination, EE.UU., University of Texas Press, 2008
13)LU- YEH, Chinese-Language Film. Historiography, poetics, Politics, EE.UU., University of Haway Press, 2005
14)ROBB, Brian Silent Cinema, UK, SNP Lefun Printer, 2007
15)ROLLINS-O´CONNOR Why we fought. America´s wars in film and history, EE.UU., University Press of Kentucky, 2008
16)SAUNDERS, Dave Direct Cinema. Observational documentary and the Politics of the sixties, UK, Wallflower Press, 2007
17)STAM-BURGOYNE-FLITTERMAN-LEWIS New Vocabularies in film semiotic. Structuralism, post-structuralism and beyond, EE.UU-Canada, Ed. Routledge, 1992
18)STAM, Robert Reflexivity in film and literature. From don Quixote to Jean Luc Godard, EE.UU., Columbia University Press, 1992
19) TOBIAS, Michael THE SEARCH FOR "REALITY". The art of documentary filmmaking, EE.UU., Michael Wiese Productions, 1997
20) WITTERN-HABERSKI The Miracle Case. Film censorship and the Supreme Court, EE.UU., University Press of Kansas, 2008
21) CINEMA JOURNAL. The Journal of the society for Cinema and Media Studies, 47, Nº3, 2008

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